Monday, October 26, 2009

yucky week

Our kids have been sick, sick, sick this past week. We're pretty sure they have had croup. Fortunately, Isaac has not seemed to catch it. He's the one it would be most dangerous for. Lilah is still really sick. Seth is feeling better. This morning Seth got up, washed his face with soap and water, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and got dressed. He then chastised me for still being in my pajamas at 9am. Yes, he's feeling better. =) It's been a rough few days though. Lilah got sick first and has stayed sick the longest. On Saturday Seth was feeling really badly and developed a nasty conjunctivitis. So Josh went to get eye drops that we had in the cupboard to treat him. We put the eye drops in and Seth FREAKED OUT saying that they stung. We were only able to get one round of drops in each eye. So about an hour later we had to put in another round of drops. Seth went nuts again and we were like "why is he freaking out about this? These shouldn't really hurt?" So Josh put a drop in his own eye and said it was horrible. He took a closer look at the bottle and realized he had been putting ear drops from Seth's last ear infection in Seth's eyes. No wonder. oops. Way to go Dr. Vicena. We felt terrible. It was a Bausch and Lomb container and Josh just missed the little ear picture on the side. I don't think Seth will ever let daddy live that one down as he has told everyone in the family about it and still talks about the stinging drops that daddy shouldn't have put in his eyes. lol... Other than that, the weekend has been pretty uneventful and has mostly just been laying around watching movies. The one highlight was yesterday afternoon. Lilah was having a particularly rough day yesterday and really just slept on the couch ALL DAY. She only got up a couple times to vomit mucous from the coughing. Seth was doing better so he went to the store with Grandma to get more ibuprofen. He came home with pink carnations for Lilah and presented them to her with a smile and a hug. Lilah was thrilled and hopped up immediately to put them in water. She gave Seth a hug and a kiss and felt so special. She felt like such a little princess and I thought it was nice that her first flowers from a boy were delivered by her very caring and sweet big brother. Precious mom moment. =) So, today we are all staying home for one more day and resting and then I will be wiping down and Lysoling the entire house!

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