Saturday, October 10, 2009

A serious medical problem

Ok, so I went to the Y to workout yesterday and took a cross training class which kicked my butt in an embarrassing way. I forgot to eat anything that morning so I got half way through the class and my blood sugar bottomed out and I had to walk out. Everything was going black and and I was dizzy and couldn't hardly hold my head up. A lady from the class had to run to get me a bag of fruit snacks to get my sugar back up. Embarrassing! Now you Columbus ladies who always wanted me to do Leah's class know why I wouldn't do it! But this is not my serious medical problem... Today my muscles are sore and I can seriously barely move. So I was having Josh rub out my back and the kids wanted to know why I was yelling (because it hurt so bad). Seth said, "Mommy are you ok? Do you need me to get you a Diet Pepsi? Do you need a snack?" (Can you tell my sugar drops freqentlyenough that my kids are trained to get mommy a snack or a coke when I'm laying on he floor?) I told him no that I was fine and just would like a hug. So he said, "Do you need a doctor? I'll be your doctor!" And he was off. He returned a few minutes later dressed in full dctor gear complete with his scrubs and little white lab coat and doctor bag. He asked me what the problem was and I told him that my muscles were sore. He scratched his chin and said, "Hmmmm... Let me check my patient schedule..." (which he did on his little clipboard and charts). Then he examined my arm and diagnosed my "serious medical problem". Apparently, I have eaten too many Twizzlers and one got stuck in my muscle. He put on his surgical mask and announced that he was going to have to give me a shot because this was major surgery. He performed the injections and checked to make sure they didn't hurt too badly. His bedside manner was outstanding I must say. He also checked my ears and said,"Oh my goodness! You have a Twizzler stuck in there too!" He got the Twizzlers out, thank goodness, and then checked his patient chart again to see that Pinkie Pie pony was his next patient. So, while I am very proud of Seth's doctoring skills... I did learn some disturbing things this weekend. I am out of shape and will embarrass myself if I attempt to excercise with people and I eat too many Twizzlers.


  1. I love to hear Sethisms, they are just too darn cute! Thanks for the smile!

  2. Oh Julie!! start saving for medical school. i think you have a natural born surgeon on your hands. This is way tooooo cute and it makes me smile.

  3. That is so cute! I have heard that Twizzlers can cause problems when they're in your ears.

    Don't feel bad. I'm sure I would have completely passed out way before you if I had been in that class.

  4. Too funny! I think he hangs out with too many doctors. :P
