Wednesday, February 18, 2009

my little helper

Seth LOVES to help me with anything he can around the house. Sometimes it's great and I try to find things he can do to help teach him responsibility and to encourage him to be a helper. Today I was unloading and loading the dishwasher. I need to preface this by saying that my dad lets Seth help him unload the dishwasher by handing him things for my dad to put away. It's kind of one of their "things" together. One time during this activity Seth dropped and broke a coffee mug. Not a huge deal, but Seth apparently remembered it. So Seth was asking me to let him help unload the dishwasher today and I said,"No, not today hunny. Mommy is in a hurry and this kind of a job for grownups." Seth said, "Mom, please..... papa lets me help him with the dishes." So I said, "Yes, I know. But that's papa's decision and mommy just doesn't want to have any dishes accidentally broken today." So Seth says, "But mooooooooooommmmmmmm..... I don't break dishes, only coffee mugs! (insert incredulous tone that says this is so obvious and it is silly and ridiculous for me not to have understood the difference between dishes and coffee mugs.) OBVIOUSLY my dishes would be completely safe in the hands of my jumpy 3 year old... because he ONLY breaks coffee mugs! =)