Thursday, February 26, 2009


So I know a lot of you having been waiting to find out whether we will be moving to Detroit for sure or not. The program called a few days ago and said they were having trouble pushing Josh's spot through and that they would be having a meeting tonight. We got an email from one the program directors (Dr. Stantucci, who is not Josh's program director) this week saying that they couldn't start Josh as a resident until 2 years from now. They wanted him to come in July and work as an "extra" in the busy hospitals until he could start his 4 year residency. We said no thank you as an additional 6 years to finish residency was not an acceptable offer for us. So then tonight the same program director calls back and says that he got another arrangement figured out for us. They would start Josh as a resident immediately and he could finish in probably 4 years, 5 at the max. This was slightly more acceptable, but still a little frustrating. So we said we would think about it. THEN, Josh spoke with the program director (Dr. Limb) who would oversee him during residency to just get a better grasp on what this was all about.

Sidenote: Dr. Limb is THE program director of the Pontiac program which is Josh's program. Dr. Stantucci is the director at Detroit Medical Center where Josh would be rotating a lot. The two programs are technically separate, but intermingle a lot. So the 2 program directors kind of work together.

Anyways, Dr. Limb said that pretty much this whole thing was because Dr. Stantucci thinks 3 years is too few, there would be 4 seniors if Josh finished in 4 years, so lets make it 5 just for fun. There is no kickback from finance or problems with adding a spot for Josh. It's just this one program director who is essentially making it all up as he goes. He is apparently some big wig of urology and has become kind of obsessed with urology training for the residents that rotate through his hospital. Dr. Limb assured Josh that he would have a spot and would definitely graduate and that they really want him. He plans to get Josh through the program in 3-4 years and said that it is ultimately all his decision anyways because he is Josh's program director. He said absolutely worst case scenario is that if Josh needed more training, it would be 5 years and they could probably make that into a fellowship in a subspecialty. He said if we want the spot, the next step would be to get it all into contract asap. So that is where we are on the whole stupid situation. Josh is still thinking about it and I think we're going to just pray about it and think on it over the weekend. Josh really wants to do urology, but this whole thing was so crazy we're kind of skiddish. Not sure if we're ready to jump into the looney bin with all of this going on in Detroit. We'll see. I will post again when we have decided.


  1. Wow. We will pray for you guys too. There are a lot of factors there!!

  2. Thinking of you! How frustrating. I hope you get it figured out soon. Of course, we would love you to stay :)

  3. As Marlin says in Nemo, "Good feeling gone." Just kidding - I still have a good feeling about this :-)

    It will work out for you guys no matter what. If you stay here, you will have the MOST amazing friends :-), and if you leave Josh (and you) get the job of his dreams in your future. It's a win-win!

  4. Wow, I'm so sorry that you guys have to go through all this. Hope it all works out for you both!

  5. Wow, that does sound a bit loony! Lots to think about. Lots to pray about. Good luck with your decision. It's a big one!
