Thursday, March 12, 2009

week of hell

So this past week has been a bit rough. Well, to back up a little... last week I had that yucky upper respiratory cold stuff that has been going around. That was not a big deal. But then Thursday night I started having "rigors" (uncontrollable shivering/shaking) for several hours. I had a fever and started with vomiting and stuff. So, Josh took me to the ER to find that I had developed pneumonia. This was also not really a big deal. But the pneumonia was followed by either a virus or infection that caused a persistent headache and vomiting. So, Josh took me back to the ER and they did a spinal tap to make sure it wasn't bacterial meningitis. It was not. And we were hoping I was out of the woods. But I developed a spinal headache that lasted for several days and laid me out until today. I have never been so sick in my entire life. A spinal headache feels as though your head will implode and kill you instantly if you sit up in a vertical position. Josh has had me on four rounds now of IV fluids, caffeine pills, and an obscene amount of Tylenol, ibuprofen, Zofran, and Percaset for the past week in an attempt to get me on my feet again. I would have preferred to give birth 5 times without an epidural to avoid this past week. I guess I can't really say that as I have never given birth without an epidural. But definitely 5 times with an epidural... Now I have to recoup from a week of being immobile. My house is disgusting. Nobody in my family has clean clothes. Josh has decided I actually do more than sit around and eat bon bons all day. He said that he has a newfound respect for my role in making our lives work. lol =) The kids have seen me get poked with IV needles so much that they have started giving each other shots with all their toys anytime they think someone doesn't feel well. The only upside of this past week is that I have sufficiently lost most of my baby weight now, about 10 pounds in 6 days. Long story short, don't get a spinal tap unless you feel quite certain you are actually dying without one.


  1. Yuck! I hate to hear you were so sick. Glad you're on the mend!

  2. And I thought I am having it bad. My cough is horrible and I finally got meds today. They are guessing Bronchitis.

  3. Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I wish I lived closer to help you out with the kids! Glad you are doing better.
