Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Museum trips and kid updates

Note: Josh and I went to the Henry Ford during our honey moon on our way to Canada. We took a picture just the two of us in this exact same spot in front of Reagan's presidential car. Almost 9 years later in the same spot. How life has changed! =)

Time for a quick update! We've been pretty busy the past couple of weeks. We've gotten out a little bit and explored some of the fun things to do up here in Michigan. Of course, we took a trip to the Henry Ford museum. Now that we're living in the hub of the auto industry, we had to go to the Henry Ford. And I highly recommend it for anyone who can make it to the Detroit area. It's truly a piece of Americana and history. It was fun. Last weekend we made a trip to the Hands On Museum in Ann Arbor which was a lot of fun for the kids. For those from Ohio, it was kind of like a mini Cosi. The kids had a blast and our ORU friends, Nathan and Liz and little Katie joined us. Afterward we came back to our house for dinner and put the kids to bed so we could watch our old Bill Cosby Himself comedy video. Nathan and Liz hadn't seen it and it's a must for anyone who is a parent. =)

The kids are doing well and getting bigger every day, I swear! Isaac is huge and has started really getting around. He's walking, unsteadily, but walking nonetheless. And last week he learned how to climb on the furniture. He climbs up on the couch, sits there proudly, and then tries to get down (usually unsuccessfully). He just laughs maniacly the whole time that he climbs up and down, up and down, up and down. Two days ago I found him on top of the coffee table, dancing. He is going to crack his head open one of these days and I'm not sure what to do about it because he's very fast and I have to go pee sometime during the day. I can't watch him every single second and that is what it will take to keep this daredevil safe I think.  Seth is still feeling very grown up going to preschool and is loving his gym and swim class that he does. He has officially been diagnosed with MILD cerebral palsey and we are still working on getting some kind of physical and occupational therapy options approved for him. We excersize at home and Josh has been working on stretching out his legs (thank you DO/OMT training!) Lilah's big news is that she asked Jesus into her heart last week. She watched a video of my family's ministry The Masterpiece: A Toymaker's Dream (a dance and performing arts stage production) that is a theatrical allegory of the salvation story. Lilah LOVES the show and has watched it every day since she first saw it. The dancing and fun costumes caught her attention, but when she saw the scene where Jesus died on the cross she really became effected. She started asking lots of questions and wanted to talk about Jesus every day. The show gave her a visual to a rather abstract concept of how our sins separate us from God and how Jesus died on the cross to make a way through the barrier of sin so that we can have a relationship with God. So after several weeks of talking about it, Lilah insisted on asking Jesus to come live in her heart. Her spiritual birthday is 1/26/2010. She has told everyone we've seen since. She got her very own Bible and announced that she will read it all the time and especially when she's watching TV. odd... but whatever. =) Lilah's been practicing praying (as we've been discussing how prayer is just talking to God all the time) and when I didn't do what she wanted the other day she told me that she was going to pray that God changes my crazy heart. I'm not so sure I like how she's choosing to use her newfound power in Christ, but whatever. =) haha...

Along the same lines, Seth was talking about his own prayer life the other day. I was explaining to him that God talks to us through the Holy Spirit, Who is with us all the time. So Seth said, "I know mom, Jesus lives in my heart and when He wants to talk to me He just pushes a button in my heart and then I can hear Him in my ears." I did not correct this because I'm not entirely sure that's NOT how the Holy Spirit works! lol...


  1. hehehe...that is funny (about Seth and the button to talk to us) :)

  2. I love the Henry Ford Museum! And since you are near Detroit... there's new place called Roast that Michael Symon from Cleveland opened there that is supposed to amazing. I'm jealous that you live in the same city... if you ever go, please post in detail for those of us in Ohio!

  3. Ha ha ha, thats too funny. By the way, you look beautiful in your pics, is someone getting more sleep perhaps? Love your updates!

  4. Hi Julie! Glad to see everything is going so well! I was talking to the girls and they had mentioned an adoption ministry that you know about... Would you be able to give me some information on that? Thanks!

  5. Hi Julie,

    It looked like you and your family had an amazing trip. The kids looked like they really enjoyed themselves.

    I'm glad to hear the kids are doing well and growing bigger. I wish nothing but the best future for them!

    Take care,

    Director of Blogger Relations
