Tuesday, December 29, 2009

manipulative thinking skills

Isaac had the most ridiculous poopy blowout today after his nap. I went into his room to get him up and there was just poop everywhere. Seth and Lilah were in Lilah's room playing with her new makeup. I started working on getting the poop cleaned up and was right in the middle of bathing a wiggling Isaac when Seth and Lilah got into a full on wrestling fight over lip gloss (I know, there's a lot wrong with that statement. But I think Seth was wanting to put Lilah's makeup on her for her). So I yelled from the bathroom that they were both to go downstairs to the playroom immediately until I could deal with them. I finished bathing Isaac and got to a stopping place on the poop clean-up and both big kids were still in Lilah's room.  I went in and told them that the consequence for their disobedience was that they would each lose their favorite toy for the rest of the day. It was easy to choose Lilah's favorite toy... she has walked around looking like a prostitute since Friday, so I took away her makeup. Seth immediately said, "mommy, my favorite toy is not Woody (from Toy Sory), it's Buzz. (Buzz was his favorite toy LAST Christmas, and while he still enjoys it, it has lost its luster and I know that) I told him I did not believe that Buzz was his favorite toy. So he said, "ok... but it's still not Woody, it's Wall-E (his 2nd favorite toy this Christmas) I took away Woody. I have to admit though that I was impressed with his thinking ability to choose to offer up the Wall-E because he really does love Wall-E and he knew that I just might fall for that one. =)


  1. can I please just tell you I laughed hysterically about the thought of Lilah walking around looking like a prostitute...please do post pics of this sometime soon:) or allow her to continue looking as such when I come over sometime:)

  2. They start early, don't they. It is very impressive.

    Also, I just got Hannah that same Tinkerbell gown that Lilah has in the last post. She's wearing it tonight.

    We miss you all so much!
