Tuesday, December 29, 2009

fun day at school

Seth's preschool teaher encourages parents and grandparents to share special talents and resources with the class. So Vicki offered to bring an ambulance from her work and do a demonstration with the kids. They LOVED it! Seth was beyond excited that his grandma was the special surprise that day and that it was such a cool surprise. Lilah got to come as well and demonstrate how the gurney works and both of the kids got to take turns driving around in the ambulance strapped into the gurney. Fun day! After the demonstration, the teacher commented that we must feel so secure having a grandma that's a paramedic and a daddy, papa, and uncle who are doctors, in case the kids ever get hurt. I agreed wholeheartedly and then just 2 days later we had to put th medical expertise to use when Lilah banged her face on the wooden arm of the couch. I wasn't sure if she needed stitches or if she'd boken her nose. Fortunately, I didn't have to take her to the ER to find out. We just popped over to the hospital to visit daddy and find out that she was fine. =)

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