Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Betty Homemaker

So anyone who knows me knows that I am not what you would call a "Betty Homemaker." This post is about as close to it as I'll ever get. I mean I keep my house pretty clean, but that's more driven by my OCD tendencies than any desire to maintain a perfect home. I cook occasionally, but I'm not great at it and I don't even care in the slightest that I'm not a great cook. I digress. I made my own baby food yesterday for Isaac. Don't get me wrong, I did not do this because I am a wonderful, loving mother who only wants the best for my beautiful baby's little tummy and nourishment. I did it because it's cheap. period. That's it. And we don't have much money. So I made the baby food and so far Isaac very much liked the peas. It's actually really easy. I just microwaved frozen vegetables for 5 minutes until they were tender and then pureed them in a blender with a little water. Then I spooned the pureed food into ice cube trays, covered the trays with aluminum foil and froze it. Tomorrow I will empty the ice cube trays into freezer bags to store the cubes for easier use. About 2 cubes makes a good feeding. You just microwave the cubes in a little dish for about 30 seconds per cube (approximately, maybe a little less). I did do a whole sweet potatoe that wasn't frozen. That had to be baked to get it soft so I could peel it and puree it. But the whole process for all 3 veggies that I made (green beans, peas, and sweet potatoes) only took about 20 minutes. I'll also do some squash soon, carrots, and some fruit. I often just mash up a ripe banana for Isaac and he loves that. Baby food can be expensive, and this seriously saves TONS of money.

Also, I found these edamame packets at the store the other day. They come in individual little bags of fresh, organic soy beans. And they have Dora on the bag, so my kids love them! =) Just thought I'd share for any parents looking for an easy, fun, and on the go way to get kids to eat veggies. You can buy a big bag that contains like 8 individual packets.


  1. very cool! I made food for Katie as well, both because it was organic and cheap. And it so much easier than it sounds. Here's a website on it with some suggestions and tips:


  2. gotta love cheap ;) great tip on the dora beans - i'll have to try them since madeline is obsessed w/ that girl!

  3. what do the beans taste like? The kids actually like them?

  4. Have you ever had edamame at a sushi place? They usually come still in the shells with a little salt on them and you squeeze the bean out. That's what they are. If you hadn't had those, they kind of taste like a larger sweet pea. They're really good. I just sprinkled a little bit of salt into the packet and the kids gobbled them up.

  5. Yep, I have had them. Thanks for the tip!

  6. Joshua it is good to see how the Lord has blessed you! Phil, Regina, and Bebe

  7. Vi loves the edamame. The girl could seriously live on that, blueberries, and raisins. Not sure where this tendency toward healthy food comes from, but I'll take what I can get, I suppose. :) Way to go on the homemade food. I might try that next time. Maybe. :)
