Friday, April 10, 2009

sweet kids

So today my kids reminded me that they actually do have sweet little spirits, even if they do like to attack each other on occasion. This morning I was telling the kids that we were going to go to the gym. Lilah said that she didn't want to. So I asked her why. She said, "I scared, I have to stay home." So Seth said, "It's ok Lilah sweetie. I'll be with you the whole time in the play area. You don't have to be scared." To which Lilah responded, "Thanks Na (her name for Seth), your my prince!" Followed by precious brother sister hug. End scene. Seriously? Could they be any cuter? Then this afternoon, Seth was playing and talking with Isaac while I folded laundry. Seth had to go to the bathroom. After Seth got situated on the toilet, Isaac started crying. So then I hear Seth yelling from the bathroom, "It's ok baby Isaac. I'm alright! I'm just pooping! Don't worry!" The kids were cute today. And Josh got home at like 5:30pm! What a day!


  1. Those are sweet stories! It ALMOST makes you forget the screaming and fighting, right?
