Thursday, April 30, 2009


So this last week was fun. My best friend's husband called a couple weeks ago and offered me the opportunity to fly into LA to surprise Kim for her 28th birthday. I arranged childcare and jumped on the chance to go to California and spend time with my best friend of 20 years now. (We were 8 years old when we met and officially declared our BFF status). I took Isaac with me and we made the long journey to Cali. Isaac did pretty well on the flights. He's a pretty happy baby and as long as you hold him all the time he doesn't have much to complain about. But I will admit that after the almost 5 hour flight from Chicago to LAX my arms were pretty sore and I was getting pretty cranky with my 20 pound lap baby. But he was pretty sweet and cuddly and performed with a big smile and belly laugh right on cue whenever onlookers would admire him and try to talk and play with him. So I arrived in LA safe and sound, much to my delight since I am terrified of flying because I am sure I will become another statistic in the next airborn terrorist attack. Adam picked me up at the airport and we drove to their apartment near Santa Monica. When we got to the apartment, Adam opened the door and asked Kim to come help him carry in groceries (His rouse for picking me up at the airport). Kim's reaction was classic. Kim got and up and when the door opened and she saw me she screeched, "What the hell??!!!" And then she cried with shock (and excitement at seeing my beautiful face... or so I like to tell myself. lol). It's actually kind of stressful to be somebody's surprise birthday gift. It dawned on me in the airplane to LA that I might not be what Kim wants for her birthday. What if what she really wanted was a new outfit or a day at the spa? I suddenly felt as though I should have prepared a comedy routine or a song or something entertaining to up my value as a birthday gift. Oh well, I hope she wasn't disappointed. =) We had a nice weekend. Another good friend from high school happened to be in LA also. So I got catch up with Joachim as well. We went to Santa Monica Pier and the mall where I got some great sale items for the kids, and then Pinkberry. Pinkberry is my new favorite frozen yogurt place ever and I wish they would expand to the mid west. The 6 hours in flight is almost worth it just to get Pinkberry again. Kim's daughter, Violet, was adorable and sweet and it was so fun getting to know her a little better. She was wonderful with Isaac and I think it was good practice for her to have some fun time with a little baby just in case a new sibling popped into the future sometime. I left LA on Tuesday morning and got back into Columbus late Tuesday night. Yesterday I drove to Sidney to get Seth and Lilah. We spent the afternoon with Sarah and the Newman cousins and then we spent the evening with my good friend Beka and her little girls. Beka and I had a slumber party and hot tubbed with her girls and our other friend from high school, Benj. Now I am recouping from the past week and am getting ready to head home once and for all. I am missing Josh and I'm sure the kids are ready to see daddy as well. Thanks Adam and Kim for a wonderful week!


  1. You were a fabulous birthday present! I didn't have to worry about whether you fit right and there was no wrapping paper mess to clean up. :)

    How are you feeling? Both Vi and I got slammed with some kind of yucky sinus infection / cold junk. I hope you guys don't get it too.

    Miss you lots! If I could ship you some Pinkberry, I totally would.

  2. Yes we are all totally jealous. Of you and of Kimmie - i wouldn't be able to think of a better birthday present!
    Good Job Adam! :-)

  3. How fun!! I have always wanted to go to California.... What a nice husband your bf has!

  4. I'm feeling alright, but I'm pretty congested too. yuk! I miss you already Kim!
