Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Seth's Big Birthday Weekend

We had a great weekend this past week. Seth turned 5 years old on Wednesday, so we've kind of been celebrating his birthday all week. =) He was SOOOOOOO excited about turning 5 this year. We spent his actual birthday with Liz and Katie and the kids always love hanging out with them. Then Josh's mom took the kids to McDonalds for dinner that night. We actually had Seth's birthday celebration this weekend when my parents could come in. So we had a picnic on Saturday with the Neufeldts (which was miserably cold). We ate fast and then Liz very kindly opened up her home to us so that we could do Seth's Wall-E cake and gifts in a warm house (which was less than a mile away). The weather report said 65 degrees and sunny for Saturday, which it was NOT! After we finished with the coldest party in history, we headed to one of the hotels with an indoor waterpark up here. It was a little bit smaller one, which was perfect because the kids could really enjoy pretty much everything there. They're not quite ready for the HUGE water parks yet. We stayed in the hotel that night and swam and had a blast. Seth wants to live in a hotel now. =) We swam a little more on Sunday morning and then went to se How To Train Your Dragon on IMAX in 3D. It was so good! Great movie! I might have actually enjoyed it more than the kids. haha... But I am a Newman and we are known for have a ridiculously long-running love for cartoons, well into adult-hood and old age. I think I probably get into the kids' movies more than they do all the time, especially now that Disney has gotten more skilled at adding sarcastic, clean, adult humor  to their films. =) Anyways, we had a great weekend and have been just getting stuff done around the house and resting the past couple days. Happy Birthday Seth! We love you and all the joy and excitement you bring to our lives!

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