Monday, October 20, 2008

Heads Up!

This is not a fun blog to have to post. but I wanted to give everyone we hang out with a heads up that I think Seth and Lilah have gotten Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. We noticed on Sunday afternoon that Lilah looked like she was getting a diaper rash. And then Sunday night we noticed after we gave the kids baths that Seth looked like he had a rash too. (Which doesn't make sense because he wears underwear.) Then we saw what looked like little bug bites on the kids' ankles. So, we thought they had gotten into some chiggers at the park this past weekend. However, today I noticed that Seth had these "bug bites" all over his hands and forearms. He also started complaining this afternoon about his mouth hurting. So, I took a couple pictures and sent them to Josh and he says it's HFMD. I don't know where the kids got it. But I wanted to pass the word along because they most likely picked it up someplace we hang out at where our friends may have been too. I also want to apologize to anybody who may have been exposed to our children since this past weekend. I feel terrible that the kids were probably contagious before they ever even showed a symptom. Here's a link to a page on HFMD so you know what to look for, just in case...

1 comment:

  1. OK, so I'm kind of glad that your kids were too tired to meet us at the park today...
    Seriously though, I hope they feel better soon, both of our boys had it this past summer and it's no fun at all!
