Monday, July 6, 2009

sugar and spice and everything... nice????

So on Saturday we were at my parents' house and the kids were outside with Josh fishing on the lake. They LOVE to go fishing and play on the beach. Lilah picked up a rock and threw it at Seth's head. It hit him pretty hard and he has a good sized lump on his head. My brother, Daniel, said Lilah was laughing about the rock until she saw that he saw her and was on his way over to check on Seth. Then Lilah burst into tears and cried for 45 minutes. There is much speculation as to whether her tears were due to sincere remorse or fear of punishment. Fast forward to today... I was sitting with Seth on the stairs because he was upset that he had just bit his finger while eating a carrot. He was talking about injuries and said, "mom, this was like when I hurt my head with the rock at Nina and Papa's. Lilah threw that rock and I was just so busy fishing and didn't remember to duck. It was my fault. I should have ducked." Why is my BOY made of sugar and spice and everything nice... and my GIRL is made of frogs and snails and puppy dog tails, and anything else destructive and aggressive???? I'm just saying, I'd like to know.

On a side note: Josh just called at 4:30pm and is on his way home for the day. He didn't get home later than 5:30pm a single day last week. Maybe my stinky house is worth the move to D-town and urology. =)


  1. no it's not worth it - we miss you too much here :-(

  2. it's worth it - surgery specialties that have great schedules are awesome :) enjoy the time w/ josh!

  3. Lol, That is just too funny. I was so convinced with our personalities that you would have this little princess and I would have the rough and tumble girl, but no it seems to have been reversed. It's just not right. :P But look at it this way, Beck has all of the above. Hee hee hee...
