Saturday, September 13, 2008

First blog

Ok, so I'm not much of a blogger because I feel generally confident that I don't have anything interesting enough to write about for people to regularly check-in. And then I'm sure that my dearest friends and family will simply have to add one more thing to do during their day (read my boring blog) so that when I say something about something I have blogged, they will be able to act as though they are riveted by my writing and read it religiously. So, for the record, I don't expect everybody to read my blog all the time. Although, I will be secretly offended if nobody does. =) I'm kind of kidding.

I pretty much decided to start a blog because everybody else does it and it is kind of a convenient way to keep friends and family posted about the rare, important things that pop up in our lives. As of right now, there is not really anything much to write about. Josh is home this weekend, so we are trying to spend some time as a family. Although that has been easier said than done because I swear stuff always comes up that pulls him away. And then we get to the end of the weekend and realize that we hardly spent any quality time together at all. There's my gripe for the day. For those of you who don't know me quite as well as some, I am an enduring cynic. I know most people brag about being an optimist and always looking for the positive things in life and in people. I won't even pretend to be like that. I used to pretend. And then realized that even when I said positive things or tried to encourage people, I was usually sugar-coating the situation and was often times faking my optimism. I'm sorry to say that I am genuinely a kind of negative person who usually braces myself for the worst. I once read, though, that cynical people tend to handle crisis better because they have privately been preparing for it their whole lives. I cling to that when I start to feel bad about the way my mind works. I also appreciate the quote on my best friend's blog that says "It doesn't matter whether the glass is half empty or half full, it only matters what you're drinking." =) It doesn't help right now that I am 7 months pregnant and find myself unbelievably irritable. I've never understood women who talk about how emotional and sensitive they get when they are pregnant. I just get annoyed. I don't know why and it's not really with everyone. But my tolerance level drops considerably as my pregnancy progresses. So let me just apologize for that right now. Anyways, hopefully the rest of the weekend will go well and we'll get some good time together with Josh. Tonight is the Ohio State game and a couple friends are coming over to watch the game, so that should be fun! And I guess we'll just see how this blogging thing goes.


  1. Glad you joined the bandwagon. Now I have another blog to enjoy!

  2. Yeah! Seriously, how fun is this?! I'm sure your family will enjoy and appreciate reading your stories and seeing your kiddos, even if you don't think they're interesting!

  3. Welcome aboard the blog bandwagon! I love the picture that you used at the top!

  4. Very cute layout. And blogging doesn't have to be interesting, by the way. There are enough of us out here with similarly boring lives that what you have to say is completely riveting.

    Can't wait to see you guys soon!

  5. glad to see you joined the bandwagon! i completely get the irritability in pregnancy - i was definately irritable most of the time towards the end...poor andy.
